Update to Exhibition Area
The area below is known as Exhibition Area and the trees will service a number of different functions, the main function being to provide shade and a picnic atmosphere adding a different dimension to the Dragway. These trees will also improve soil fertility and act as the starting blocks TO REDUCE, noise, wind and dust.
This is a long term tree planting project for Koala Retreat and Western Sydney International Dragway and hope that the race teams and all involved with the dragway will support the venture and sponsor a koala food tree planting program.

Exhibition Area 21st of May 2006
Here you can see how dry this area must have been on hot days during the summer period with strong westerly winds blowing before there’s a balance with a natural what top soil there was away preventing native vegetation to grow naturally.
Without the trees this added expense and Man power just to maintaining moisture just keep the grass green all year round.

Exhibition Area 24th May 2009
Today it’s a different story with a lot of top soil, mulch applied about 3 times over the years, and watering for this section has reduce man hours dramatically.
There is still plenty of work to be with before there’s a balance with a natural setting and human traffic.
WSID have allowed KR to show the potential of this type of tree planting program which will hopefully spread though out the different councils here in Sydney.